DAY 21 6 August 2017 Yoga and Lamps


Yoga in the forest

Up early and off to Yoga in the forest, it was a full class and Cher invited me to say a few words about divining/dowsing; one woman in particular was fascinated as she owns a farm and doesn't know where to build her house...

Class was followed by lemonade and carrot cake at the local Farmer's market. I bought a shell charm-bracelet from a local woman who also made baskets. 


Traditional basket making

Back to the studio to make the lanterns for the PV to be held next Wednesday afternoon/evening. 


Lanterns for the Guava tree

George dug in some more steps and then with his help I started cutting the censer from an old oil drum using an arc welder, which was a challenge as I usually use an oxyacetylene torch.


Making the censer

Homemade pizza and local pineapple for supper. 


Moon with lamps